Facility Workers
Who is your go-to when the correct information is needed?
Often officials are showered with a bevy of daily operations that make their business run. School officials are worried about bus schedules, and lunch programs, while town officials worry about how to handle the next big snowstorm. How do you know where to get the vital information for some of your most important assets when needed? That is where your facilities workers come into play.
In our experience, we have found Head Maintenance or facilities workers are some of the most valuable and knowledgeable employees businesses have. Typically, they grew up around the area, attended school, or played in the same parks they are taking care of and maintaining today. Often starting at an entry-level position and working their way through the ranks over many years to the position they currently hold. They’ve been through it all, carrying the insight that can only come with working at the same place for a long time. They remember every detail about that major renovation that happened ten years ago. They know the names of the students and staff while walking the halls each day.
When I walk into a school district needing to know when was the new tractor purchased, or when were the new goalposts installed? That is the person that I go to. These kinds of employees are the backbone of a business and deserve acknowledgment for everything they bring.